On its opening day, Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 stormed the box office, collecting a staggering ₹175.1 crore across India. The Telugu version led the charge with ₹95.1 crore, while the Hindi version followed closely with ₹67 crore. Contributions from regional markets included ₹7 crore from Tamil Nadu, ₹5 crore from Kerala, and ₹1 crore from Karnataka. High occupancy rates in theaters across various regions underscored the film’s massive popularity and anticipation among fans.
Despite its extraordinary earnings, Pushpa 2 received a mixed response from critics and audiences. While many praised Allu Arjun’s performance and the gripping storyline, others pointed out shortcomings in pacing and execution. The film’s chart-topping songs and action-packed sequences, however, became a major highlight, drawing in repeat viewers. As it continues its theatrical run, all eyes are on whether Pushpa 2 can sustain its momentum and set new box office benchmarks.
Directed by Sukumar, Pushpa 2 premiered in theaters on December 5 amid sky-high expectations. Despite the pre-release buzz, the Allu Arjun starrer has received mixed reviews from audiences.
As per the review, Pushpa 2: The Rule picks up where the first installment left off, immersing viewers once again in the raw, intense world of Pushpa. This sequel amplifies the stakes, pitting Pushpa against Banwar Singh Shekhawat and other powerful rivals while delving deeper into his internal conflicts. The central question remains: can Pushpa outwit his enemies, or does an unexpected twist await? please visit nearest theater.
Nice explanation